
BANK | 展位 S10 | Art Basel Miami Beach 巴塞尔迈阿密海滩展会 | 12.6-12.10


安迪﹒沃霍尔的合作明星演员塔莉﹒布朗与艺术家郑庆和在他的作品前合影。约 1970 年代
Andy Warhol's Superstar Tally Brown and artist Ching Ho Cheng infront of his painting "Angel Head". Circa 1970's

BANK 参加巴塞尔迈阿密海滩展会 

Art Basel Miami Beach ‍‍‍‍‍

 展位 Booth S10 

郑庆和 Ching Ho Cheng

藏家预览 Collectors Preview
2023.12.06  11:00-19:00 (First Choice VIP guests Preview) 
2023.12.06  16:00-19:00 (Preview VIP guests) 
2023.12.07  11:00-19:00 (First Choice and Preview VIP)
2023.12.07  16:00-19:00 (Vernissage VIP guests) 

公众开放 Public Days
2023.12.08-12.10   11:00-18:00 


1901 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach

BANK 荣幸宣布将参加巴塞尔艺术展迈阿密海滩展会(Art Basel Miami Beach),此次我们将展出已故艺术家郑庆和(Ching Ho Cheng)一系列最杰出及最独特的作品:水粉画和迷幻系列。

2026年春季,艾迪生美国艺术馆(Addison Gallery of American Art)将为郑庆和举办回顾展,这也将是艺术家在机构进行的首次大型回顾展。展览构思于重新审视历史作品的热潮,将展示这位独一无二的艺术家过去被忽视的作品。由视觉艾滋组织(Visual AIDS)合作出版的专著将随该回顾展一同面世。

郑庆和1946年出生于哈瓦那,在古巴的一个外交官家庭长大,1951年随父母搬到纽约。1968 年毕业于库珀联盟,是当时该校为数不多的中国学生之一。他成为了 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代纽约中心艺术现场的常客,作为一位才华横溢但又与众不同的艺术家备受人们尊敬。郑庆和从 1976 年起一直住在切尔西酒店,直到 1989 年英年早逝。

他的作品被惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(Whitney Museum of American Art)、洛杉矶艺术博物馆(LACMA)、克利夫兰艺术博物馆(Cleveland Museum of Art)和史密森尼美国艺术博物馆(Smithsonian American Art Museum)等著名机构收藏。他的创作充满遥想,美国爵士乐史上最有影响力的音乐人迈尔斯﹒戴维斯(Miles Davis)、摩纳哥卡罗琳公主、奥索里奥﹒阿方索(Ossorio Alfonso)以及众多文化名人都收藏了他的作品。

🔗 BANK 全球代理艺术家郑庆和

艺术家郑庆和在切尔西公寓创作。约 1970 年代
The artist Ching Ho Cheng created artwokrs at the Hotel Chelsea. Circa 1970's

BANK is proud to participate in the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach, where we will feature a solo presentation of the late Ching Ho Cheng’s most outstanding and distinctive work: his gouache and the psychedelic series.

This special exhibition precedes Ching Ho Cheng's upcoming retrospective at the Addison Gallery of American Art in Spring, 2026. The Addison will be presenting Cheng’s first major institutional retrospective, conceived at a moment of fervent reconsideration of this unique artist's formerly overlooked oeuvre. A monograph made in collaboration with Visual AIDS will accompany the Addison exhibition. 

Born in Havana, Cuba in 1946 to a family of diplomats, Cheng moved to New York with his parents in 1951. Cheng went on to graduate from the Cooper Union in 1968, as one of the few Chinese students the institution at the time. He became a fixture of the downtown art scene of the 1970s and 80s; a revered, talented, but quirky local presence. Cheng resided at the Chelsea Hotel from 1976 until his untimely death in 1989. 

His work is in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, LACMA, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian American Art Museum among other prestigious institutions. Miles Davis, Princess Caroline of Monaco, Ossorio Alfonso, and other cultural dignitaries have collected his visionary work.

🔗 BANK Represents the Estate of Ching Ho Cheng


 Selected Works 

郑庆和 Ching Ho Cheng
高速公路灯光习作 Freeway Lights Study
布面水粉画 Gouache on rag paper
67.31 x 86.36 cm (含框 Framed)
49.53 x 66.04 cm (不含框 Image)

郑庆和 Ching Ho Cheng
塔利﹒布朗肖像 Tally Brown Portrait
布面水粉画 Gouache on rag paper
60.96 x 45.72 cm (含框 Framed)
 50.8 x 35.56 cm (不含框 Image)



 About the Artist 

郑庆和 Ching Ho Cheng

Ching Ho Cheng at Hotel Chelsea, 1988.

Photo credit Rita Barros

郑庆和(1946-1989),是一位华裔的美国艺术家,出生在古巴哈瓦那,他的父亲在1940年代在那里担任外交职务。1980年埃弗森艺术博物馆馆长 Ronald Kuchta 曾称:“郑庆和是第一个在这个国家得到认可的美国华人画家。” 

郑庆和1968年毕业于库珀联盟艺术学院。那一代人倡导和平与和谐、公共生活、艺术和性实验,以及使用成瘾性药物,他早期的迷幻作品就是来源于此。在生命的后期,郑庆和迷上了道教和形而上学,并将其融入自己的生活。他的作品被分为四个时期,反映了他在个人和艺术上成熟的哲学。一个不变的因素是贯穿郑庆和的所有画作的红线,连接着他普遍的艺术理念。郑庆和是波拉克·克拉斯纳奖的获得者。著名的艺术史学家 Gert Schiff 和大都会艺术博物馆的馆长 Henry Geldzahler 都曾撰写过关于他的文章。他在国内和国际上都举办过展览,作品被多家企业收藏,并被惠特尼艺术博物馆、史密森尼美国艺术博物馆、克利夫兰艺术博物馆、布鲁克林艺术博物馆等博物馆收藏。

Ching Ho Cheng (1946-1989) was an American artist of Chinese ancestry, born in Havana, Cuba where his father held a diplomatic post in the 1940s. In 1980, Ronald Kuchta, Director of the Everson Museum of Art where Cheng had his first solo museum exhibition, stated “Ching Ho Cheng was the first known Chinese American painter to receive recognition in this country.” 

Cheng graduated in 1968 from the Cooper Union School of Art. Cheng’s generation were advocates of peace and harmony, communal living, artistic and sexual experimentation, and the use of recreational drugs and his early psychedelic works celebrate this. Later in life, Cheng became fascinated with Taoism and the metaphysical, incorporating it into his life. Cheng is the recipient of the Pollack-Krasner Award. Renowned art historian Gert Schiff and Curator Henry Geldzahler of the Metropolitan Museum of Art have written about him. Cheng has exhibited both nationally and internationally. His work is in several corporate collections and collected by museums such as Whitney Museum of Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum of Art and others.

↙︎Click the "Read More" at the end of the article for more info

 - 正在展出 Current Exhibition - 

BANK 10th Anniversary Show

《生日派对!》Birthday Party!

展览时间/Duration: 2023.11.10-2024.01.10‍

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

🔗 十周年庆生会回顾 Recap of BANK's 10th Birthday Party


